Cathy was a homeless senior citizen who, although having to battle chronic injuries and medical conditions that substantially impacted her life, was exhaustively searching for an apartment when she contacted CCLA in July 2023. When she’s not taking her multitude of daily medicines or caring for her grandson, Cathy’s days consisted of spending countless time on the internet and on phone calls as she searched for new housing. Cathy worked with a realtor to expedite this process.
Since being forced out of her old apartment by her landlord, for reporting hazardous living conditions that had gone unaddressed to a local radio station, Cathy has worked tirelessly to find a new place to live. Unfortunately, this process had been challenging for many reasons. In addition to the medical problems that plague Cathy, she has had to deal with, among other things, landlords who won’t accept her Section 8 voucher and scammers looking to capitalize on her old age. CCLA assisted Cathy with obtaining three extensions on her Section 8 voucher through Reasonable Accommodation Requests to her housing authority. Despite the challenges, Cathy has persevered and has, thanks to the realtor’s help, finally secured a permanent place to live in October 2023. CCLA was able to secure JFS funds through our Continuum of Care project to assist with Cathy’s security deposit on her new apartment.
Throughout this entire process, Cathy was positive, hopeful and always grateful. She thanked us at the end of every phone call, every email and upon conclusion of our legal assistance, she even agreed to volunteer with CCLA if any opportunities came up!
Email to our Intern:
Dear [Intern], words cannot express how deeply grateful I am right now. With tears in my eyes, in addition with my medical conditions you have truly been a blessing to me. I would like to extend my services to you because I’ve never expected my life would be like this. [Intern], if you ever are running for any type of political offices, I will volunteer, campaign, make calls, advocate, Protest and Fundraise on your behalf. I know you are a man of God your spirit is so humbling, you have impeccable, customer service. I would like you to forward this letter to the CEO of Legal Aid Corporations. You deserve an promotion in the highest degree. I could write a book about you leaving such a great impression on my life. Whatever your dreams are and hearts desires, may they all come true. If your company needs to contact me in regards to this letter please don’t hesitate.
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*Names, images, and details have been changed to protect our client’s privacy
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