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Blog: Stories of Justice

Story of Justice: CCLA Saves Senior Veteran with Disabilities from Homelessness Through Partnerships

Louis, a 63 year old veteran with disabilities, was living in Section 8 housing when was served with an eviction. With a fixed income, he had fallen behind on his rent. After reaching out to other organizations for help without success, Louis turned to CCLA for assistance.  Through our negotiations and our partnerships with Goodman...
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Story of Justice: CCLA’s Mobile Justice Squad Advocates for James & His Son to Receive Increased Food Assistance Benefits

James, a visually impaired senior veteran, has custody of his minor son and struggles with homelessness. When applying for Food Assistance, he reported his disability and living situation, as well as the fact that he is the primary custodial parent of his minor child. At the time of Food Assistance application, James and his son...
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Story of Justice: CCLA Asserts Emily’s Victim’s Rights & Gets Her Protection

Emily, a resilient woman in her 30s, endured a tumultuous relationship with her husband, John. During their marriage, it became clear to Emily that John struggled with serious mental health issues. His refusal to seek consistent treatment made life unpredictable and frightening for Emily and her child from a previous relationship. One evening, John’s behavior...
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Story of Justice: CCLA Breaks the Cycle of Family Violence for Susan and Her Children

Susan and Scott were married with two children, but their marriage was deteriorating. Susan decided she wanted a divorce. When Susan told Scott she did not want to be with him anymore, he argued with her. His screaming and verbal abuse escalated; Scott physically attacked Susan, strangling her and beating her. Their son heard his...
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Nenhum Membro da Família Deixado para Trás: Lei da Flórida Agora Fornece Proteção para os Pets em Ordens Judiciais Civis Visando a Proteção Contra a Violência Doméstica

Victoria Sexton – advogada da organização Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida, Inc. Não se pode negar que a conexão entre em um animal e o seu  dono ou dona é única. Muitos capítulos da vida são vivenciados ao lado de seu animal  que está lealmente presente em algumas das melhores lembranças…. e...
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