Board Member Profile: Alejandro Larrazabal, Esq.
This month’s featured board member is Alejandro Larrazabal, who currently serves as the Chairperson of the Board at Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida (CCLA). Mr. Larrazabal joined the Board of Directors for CCLA in May of 2021. He has dedicated a significant portion of his career to pro bono work and has provided life-changing assistance to vulnerable members of the community. Presently, Mr. Larrazabal serves as of counsel but has mainly retired from the practice of law since early 2021. Instead, he focuses his day-to-day activities on compounding capital.
As Chairperson, Mr. Larrazabal would like to draw attention to the excellent work performed by the staff at CCLA:
“The work CCLA performs is underappreciated, and the voice they give to the voiceless is often ignored. However, the fruits of their labor can be seen throughout the community. Just recently, CCLA won a prestigious award from 211 Broward for their innovation within the Senior Law Unit’s Mobile Justice Squad. Additionally, the staff at CCLA is constantly providing value to the community in ways that may not be visible but can be felt, such as writing and applying for their own grants and their outstanding work on social media. Whether it’s outreach, presentations, or providing valuable resources to the community, they are on top of it. The focus should be on the staff at CCLA, from the attorneys, finance staff, law clerks, paralegals, intake specialists, and receptionists to the cleaning staff – everyone. This works because of them, and for that, we say “Thank you!”~ Alejandro LarrazabalChairperson, Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida