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Call Us at: 954-736-2400 | Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Story of Justice: Jackie*

Jackie is a 16-year old girl who was a chronic runaway who had been conditioned to distrust authority figures. It is unknown when she began being trafficked, but she did have several traffickers during her time on the run and was even being trafficked while in the care of her mother. Like a lot of young trafficking victims, she had several juvenile delinquency charges and was facing time in jail. Further complicating matters, Jackie was charged in several different jurisdictions and was facing lengthy sentences. 

Survivors of human trafficking often times have complex needs that require specialized training to address. Although the offenses Jackie committed could have easily justified time in a lockdown facility, her mental and physical needs would not have been met.

Her attorney was able to advocate for Jackie to be placed in a residential facility that would satisfy both her delinquency sentence as well as provide for her specialized needs as a survivor of human trafficking. 

*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of our clients.

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*Names, images, and details have been changed to protect our client’s privacy

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