Thank you to everyone who participated in making this holiday season just a little brighter for someone else. Every family greatly appreciated your generosity and kindness this year. Without you, many of these families wouldn’t have had a joyful holiday season. We were able to help 30 families and...Read More
Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida (CCLA) is pleased to announce that The Florida Bar Foundation has awarded an Equal Justice Works Fellowship to Victoria Sexton, Esq. Ms. Sexton has joined the CCLA team and will represent survivors of human trafficking in South Florida, which is considered a hot spot for human trafficking....Read More
Taylor, a young girl, was trafficked by someone in her neighborhood. After this began, her relationship with her mother began to break down. Her behavior began to change; once a straight A student, she dropped out of school and began taking drugs. Her mother was unsuccessful in getting help for Taylor. Ultimately, an incident occurred that...Read More
Jackie is a 16-year old girl who was a chronic runaway who had been conditioned to distrust authority figures. It is unknown when she began being trafficked, but she did have several traffickers during her time on the run and was even being trafficked while in the care of her mother. Like a lot of young trafficking...Read More
Daniela is a 14-year old girl with a long history of abuse and neglect. Ultimately she was removed from her parents’ home and placed with relatives to live. Shortly after she was placed, her relatives also began abusing her and kicked her out of their home saying she had “bad behavior.” A 14-year old child living...Read More
To whom much is given, much is expected. Sherylle Francis takes that adage with her as she enters 2020 as the new Board Chair for Broward Legal Aid and Coast to Coast Legal Aid. When prompted to share some words about her upcoming role, she leans toward the future. Francis looks forward to a year...Read More
Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida (CCLA) is pleased to announce that The Florida Bar Foundation has awarded an Equal Justice Works Fellowship to Victoria Sexton, Esq. Ms. Sexton has joined the CCLA team and will represent survivors of human trafficking in South Florida, which is considered a hot spot for human trafficking....Read More